Thursday, November 30, 2017

The God Within Your Spirit

Last week ago I was "fasting in the Spirit" and praying and reading this neat lil' Christian prayer devotional booklet called "Grieving with Hope Leaning on Jesus" by elder brother Time Wesemann.

It's a great lil' prayer read. I enjoyed it. It was truthful writing from the man's heart. Can't argue with that...

There's something for everyone in it, or that's just a "generalization" on my part.

Humanity is *COMPLEX*... Smh...

Reading his written words, I got sense of the spirit of the man who wrote them even though I had no thought of who the elder brother in Christ was; but the truth of the words he wrote "resonated" with my spirit personally in the ways I can universally relate...

Nobody really "understands" another human being's heart or soul.

I'd be lying if I really "said" I did...

I don't "know" or "understand" other people besides what they want to share (if they want to share that is...). I don't always done. I like to "stay hidden" and *SECRET*.

Only *GOD* knows and understands everything about everybody HE CREATED.

The "Perfect Designer" knows EVERYTHING about the "designed creation". EVERYTHING.

That's His Domain and all we lil' human-beings can never understand in this life unless God will show us His Understanding in the "New Life".

Only HOLY SPIRIT in Christ grounds me in His Character. Period.

I'm NOT "good" on my own merits. I don't accept it. It's not "real".

What is "good" apart from GOD'S GOODNESS anyways? *GOD IS GOOD*... Goodness comes only from God in Origin.

I don't want anything "second-hand" I only want the REAL DEAL! The REAL THING!

One lil' slip up, ONE "dirty lil' sin" and I'm reminded I'm NO BETTER THAN THE WORST SCUM OF THE EARTH lol.

Yeah right. I'm no better than the "heathen folk"; what's the point?

I just "try" to at least "be a better person outwardly" but inwardly I'm a black hole of PRIDE, CONFUSION, STRIFE, CONTENTION and SCORN...

I got issues to and don't have it "all together" and I don't even want to change sometimes 'cause it's hard work and I'm "comfortable" where I'm at but gotta break it though for the "greater good" screw "Jed Mask"; it's not about him.

I "hate my life" but that's so silly and over said, just go change it and keep it to yourself. Forget it.

Don't matter. Just go DO what's right regardless.

Goal must be accomplished.

How can I "puff myself up" to the *GOD*? Lol

I won't "embarrass myself" like that...

I'm walking away to live in complete silence and solitude without bothering with You.

My prayers are "short" and maybe "insincere", though I do care to pray, right?

Well sometimes I DO CARE. I DO CARE; I just want immediate results.


But I don't want to make more "problems" in my life to have to deal with them later.

Just keep on praying like I'm talking to Him directly is how we must "come to God".

Like Someone we're comfortable with 'cause He knows the "good 'n bad" in us whether we accept it or not.

Prayer in AWENESS to the sheer magnificence of a HOLY GOD when human life is so short and quick.

What happened?!

It's always a "personal thing" with God; not no "business relationship": we are His creatures, we have nothing He desires apart from our WORSHIP and OBEDIENCE to Him out of our FREE WILL.

We all NAKED before Him. We can't even attempt to "cover up our sins and brokenness" lol...

Can't run or hide from Him.

We're always SUBJECT to His Will whether we like it or not.

God can have everything but our FREE WILL for when we decide to worship, obey, serve Him or not.

God don't wanna "force" what He rightly deserves as Great Good Creator of His creation.

We "creation" in our sinful FREE WILL can't, WON'T tolerate God's Perfect Standards of Holiness.

Be prayerful to God in Spirit...

"Lord, I need your help. Can't do it without you. Don't even want to ask for your help but I know I should. Help me to be humble, to be loving, forgiving, kind, likable. Just TAKE OVER this FREE WILL 'cause I can't and don't really want to do everything Your Way all the time and want to do things MY WAY; but at the same time know I'll regret making that mistake and having to have to 'apologize' and 'repent' later for my sins... Help me do right when I don't want to..."

I try to keep the "cursing" any "hateful rhetoric" to my inner thoughts and emotions: let God just be respected and don't attack Him with what He already knows. DON'T WASTE TIME insulting Him by opening your mouth to verbally say something. Just SHUT UP and move on like nothing happened.

Pray those "responsible prayers" you keep failing to pray for: you forgot to pray for your brethren in Christ, your family sometimes, your country, your nation's leaders; EVERYBODY, EVERYTHING.

You win some; you lose most in the whole.

With some victories come MANY DEFEATS IN RETURN.

You're just MAN TRYING TO BE LIKE GOD and know you're just A MAN if even that...

You're IMPATIENT with your FAILINGS and must OVERCOMPENSATE with continuing "working on your projects"; putting everything and everyone to the side in "one-sighted focus" you lose everything but must not forget "what's important" though you refuse to accept it...

Thanks GOD for Who you are and I look down to the ground if ever these sin-cursed eyes defile the Brightness of Your Sheer Holiness...

There are NO GOOD PEOPLE; only a GOOD GOD in the end.

We don't want to "obey" and "serve" You like you desire though.

We want Your Blessings and *NOT YOUR AUTHORITY*!

You Know Best God... Amen."